FMP® Facility Management Professional™


IFMA’s Facility Management Professional (FMP) designation is a knowledge-based credential for FM professionals and industry suppliers looking to increase their depth-of-knowledge in the core FM topics deemed critical by employers.

By earning the must-have FMP credential, you will join over 7,200 professionals worldwide who have improved their knowledge, enhanced their skills, and gained immediate credibility with employers, clients and peers.


Why FMP?

• The FMP can help you gain a competitive advantage and improve your job performance through education and recognition.

• Build practical skills you can apply to your job immediately, resulting in cost-savings and added value to your organization.

• Earn professional credibility and recognition from current and potential employers, clients, work teams and peers.

• Earn IFMA-issued CEUs.


Course Duration: Eight Days.

Course Agenda

Day 1 & 2: Operations and Maintenance Module.

Day 3 &4: Finance and Business Module.

Day 5 &6: Leadership and Strategy Module.

Day 7 & 8:Project Management Module.

About FMP 


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    Event Details
    • Start Date
      2023-11-03 09:00
    • End Date
      2023-11-10 17:00
    • Status