DICE UAE BICSI event by ITEVENTS Fatima AlDaghar
DICE UAE BICSI event by ITEVENTS Fatima AlDaghar Director of du’s Transport Network Planning division. In that role, Fatima has end-to-end responsibility for the #planning and #design of du’s transport #network including #IP, #Optics and Microwave along with an advanced #automation program via domain controller.
Her role includes innovative #solutions definition, new #technologies development, and #future investment decisions. In her previous roles, Fatima has played instrumental roles in fixed access #transformation, #datacenters, OSS and First Call center #Digitization#projects in du.
Fatima holds comprehensive expertise in the #telecommunications sector, having acquired an #MBA and an #engineering diploma over her extensive career spanning over a decade and a half.
More about DICE UAE
DICE UAE BICSI event by ITEVENTS Fatima AlDaghar
About Development of ICT conference and exhibition
Development of ICT conference and exhibition (DICE) , is the main BICSI Endorsed Event for the EMEA region during 2024.
With the mission of creating awareness of ICT Standards & Best Practices in the community in the region.
Having all ICT industry stakeholders under one roof will be a great opportunity for networking, sharing experiences, and raising the industry’s awareness level.
ICT is the main layer for all current and future projects and if it is designed up to standards and best practices, it will be the road map for having sustainable solutions, which are ready to meet the increasing demand for sustainability and digitalization.
Powered by IT Events, bringing together all the ICT leaders and stakeholders through interesting seminars, and extensive exhibition areas!
#ShapeUpGreenICT #DesignToSustain #DCF #lCT #IT #Vendors #TechnologyProviders #Systemlntegrators
#BICSI #DCDC #RCDD #OSP #lCTDecisionMakers #ITDecisionMakers #Technology #AdvancedTechnology
#lnnovate #Communications #SmartTechnologies #SmartTechnology #TechnologyProfessionals #Cairo
#AccessControl #AdvertisingTechnology #Applications #AR #VR #Artificiallntelligence #networking
#Networks #dubai #creativity #future #innovation #management #careers #personaldevelopment
#sustainability #education #innovation #building #communications #gcc #gulf #emea
#ksa #qatar #uae #riyadh #doha